Cultivating AI for
your success

We don’t just consult on AI. We build it for your growth.

From customized LLMs automating your customers' service requests to neural networks that can understand your business processes, project schedules, contracts, etc., we can bring it to fruition. We have seasoned AI researchers and experts who can build AI solutions in any season of your business.
A field of grain with code coming out of it

We can talk the talk and walk the walk. From seeding an idea to harvesting the results, we can ensure you have the right AI solution to grow your organization, business, idea—dream.

AI Consulting

Ideas are important, and you need to be prepared. So we take the time to talk (and whiteboard) with you to discover your needs, pain-points, and thoughts. And we offer our experience and expertise to find solutions we can build.

AI Prototyping

It's often better to start small. Then iterate. We can build you a first iteration of a solution: a prototype. Then you can test an idea's viability without betting the farm. And if it's working, we can keep building.

AI Product Development

Taking a whiteboard idea to a working product isn't for the faint of heart. You need to have tenacity and a hand-to-plow mentality. It also helps to have those who've built things before, big things, that scale. That's Grain.

Decades of AI experience

Our hands have been plowing into the AI field for two decades. We've worked in the largest multinationals and groundfloor startups. We just love to build technology products that generate value and solve problems for—you.

Ready to get to work? Reach out.

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